Individuals with entrepreneurial tendencies usually make good real estate agents.Yesterday, I identified four traits to help you quantify this nebulous idea. With this information, it’s easier to develop a set of open-ended interview questions designed to uncover these characteristics. So how do you ask these questions? Avoid questions like: Do you feel you’re trustworthy? It’s not open-ended and gives your agenda away in asking it this way. Instead, use questions like: Wow, in your current job you seem to have adapted to several challenging circumstances. What are some other situations in your life where you had to adapt quickly? Once they share a couple stories (that you’ve guided them to share), you can close this portion of the dialog with a comment like this: Based on what you shared, you seem to be a very adaptive person. This is very interesting because most of our high-performing agents have this trait as well. Connecting their stories to the traits of your agents creates a perception of fit. And this is the goal of every interview.