Hiring Success in the Follow-Up

You’ve all heard the old sales adage: The fortune is in the follow-up. It’s true. The agents who consistently stay connected with those in their database are the highest producers. Does the same principle apply to recruiting? By far, consistent follow-up activities have the highest correlation to the number of hires, quality of hires, and overall recruiting success. In the recent podcast with Sarah Dzeb, she confirmed it is her most important recruiting activity. It takes a minimum of five follow-ups for a prospect to become a hire, and usually more. Follow-up is critical because the normal timeline for an experienced agent hire is 8 to 12 months. Those who follow-up the best and most consistently hire more agents. Raising follow-up to the level of being the most important recruiting activity requires many hiring managers to make a paradigm change. The interview/recruiting appointment is the not the end of the recruiting process, it’s the beginning. It just gives you the right to compete for this prospect’s attention in the months ahead.